Supporting Tribal Economic Success Through Learning Initiatives

NAFOA, founded as the Native American Finance Officers Association, offers educational and professional programs through the NAFOA Institute. Our programs support lifelong learning from early career development and mid-career specialization to executive leadership.

Explore our program offerings below, as well as our educational webinar series and our bookstore.


Youth & Young Professionals

NAFOA empowers Native youth and young professionals (ages 18-27) to establish early career success. Equip yourself for the future with our free online program, Career Basics, where you’ll learn essential skills like resume writing and interviewing. Deepen your knowledge by applying for the Leadership Summit, where you’ll connect with tribal and industry leaders to explore strategies for thriving careers as Native professionals

Grants Management

Our introductory programs equip those new to the field or involved in the grant process. Explore our free virtual video library, Foundations of Grants Management, which introduces core principles of grant writing, budgeting, and reporting, laying a solid foundation for your success. Build upon your knowledge with our online program, Grants Management for Tribal Communities, offered through the University of New Mexico. This program equips participants with the essential skills and expertise to support the growth and sustainability of tribal economies in Indian Country.

Financial Management

Our financial management programs, co-developed with esteemed universities, go beyond textbooks. Learn from the best: top educators, tribal leaders, and industry professionals come together to equip and educate your tribe’s finance and administrative professionals.

The NAFOA Orange Book is the premiere source for tribal financial reporting and guidelines.

Executive Leadership

Designed for established Native finance professionals and tribal leaders, our executive education program provides the tools and resources to elevate your leadership capabilities, tackle complex challenges, and create a lasting impact within your tribal government or organization.

NAFOA Orange Book


Financial Reporting and Information Guide for Tribal Governments and Enterprises

The Financial Reporting and Information Guide for Tribal Governments and Enterprises (Orange Book) addresses the complex economic activity and related entity differences of tribal settings. It also presents an overview of the financial reporting framework in a tribal setting. The Orange Book includes ten chapters covering the unique operating environment of tribal governments from financial reporting with business activities to fiduciary activities to federal tax and information reporting. The Orange Book was informally reviewed by accounting standard setters and includes sample tribal financial statements.

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